Insur ance
Check out this report on our treatment for Stress
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Check out this report on our treatment for ADHD
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Click here to listen to an audio testimonial regarding our neurofeedback treatment for ADHD
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This is a cutting edge treatment that expands the traditional realms of psychological intervention. Psychology basically deals with the mind and emotions and how they work and can be influenced. EEG Biofeedback (Neurofeedback) deals with the brain and how it functions. The brain is an electro-chemical mechanism. While physicians use chemicals to alter the way it functions, Neurofeedback teaches the brain how to function differently through the electrical system by giving feedback so it can change the way the brainwaves work. Nothing is done to the person; no electrical current enters the brain. It is only through visual and auditory feedback that the brain is able to improve how it functions. Since the brain is the center of the Central Nervous System as it improves there are significant implications for how the whole of our mind, body and emotions can be effected. It is amazing the ramifications and applications available through this technology and it can be done with no harmful side effects. ADHD, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, Migraine headaches, seizures, PMS symptoms, Chronic Fatigue Disorder, Fibromyalgia, Anger, Alcoholism, and Minor Brain Injury from stroke or head trauma are all disorders that have been effectively treated with this approach.
This is probably one of the more exciting aspects of our work. There is seldom more pain that is felt than what people feel in a troubled marriage. Feelings range from suicidal despair to homicidal rage.
And to think all that pain is coming from being connected to someone who was supposed fill your life with love and enjoyment. To be able to turn that kind of frustration into fulfillment provides a great feeling of satisfaction. If you find yourself headed into troubled waters, don’t wait until you start to sink. The sooner you start getting help the easier it is going to be.
We offer several approaches for rapid recovery from recent or distant trauma incidents. When people find themselves able to let go of the pain and anguish or the fear and anger of the past they really feel like new individuals. Trauma has a way of eating away at your mind, body, emotions and relationships. You don’t need to suffer. Some of this work can even be done without having to relive the painful memories.
Over 75% of visits to physician’s offices are stress related. Chronic stress takes its toll on your body as well as your behavior and moods. We can help you to understand your pattern of stress and how to make changes to put you back in the driver’s seat.
Depression has been called the chronic cold of mental illness. From children to adults, depression is a universal experience. Most people experience it to some degree and over half will go through a significant period of clinical depression. We all feel blue at times. Some people have a chronic low grade depression (called dysthymia) other have a clinical depression where they experience physiological changes and become unable to function effectively (sleep, appetite, memory, energy and social changes that last for more than two weeks.) There is often a strong hereditary component to depression, but if it is not properly dealt with it can return in ever increasing degree.
Whether it is for grade acceleration of a gifted child, appropriate timing for kindergarten placement of a five year old, or concerns about underachievement, reading or learning difficulties, we work with kids from pre-school to college. We will evaluate the child looking at strengths and weaknesses and help to explain why the problems exist and what can be done about them. We meet with the parents first, then evaluate the child and meet with the parents again to go over the results and to discuss possible interventions. Knowing your child’s abilities makes parenting a lot easier. You know what to expect and will not be guilty of being too hard or too easy on your child. We also work with the child, parents and teachers to set up a program to bring about significant change.
Occasionally people may require a psychological evaluation. Whether for employment, court or interpersonal issues, we can individualize the appropriate personality tests to diagnose and educate you according to your needs.
EMG (electromylogram), GSR (galvanic skin response), Temperature, Respiration rate, Blood/pulse rate are all monitored as individuals go through a standardized stress test to see how their system responds to stress. We look at the Fight/Flight or Freeze response to stress. Once we diagnose the negative aspects of the pattern we can recommend solutions. This is also a useful too to monitor progress in treatment to see how people have changed as a result of treatment.
Besides the traditional interviews and questionnaires we utilize a specialized computer program to evaluate problems with Inattention, Impulsivity and Hyperactivity. This test is often used to determine medication dosage or to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. It provides a nice pre and post measure of progress.
We provide services individualized to the needs of our clients. We start with an evaluation of the problem, and then provide recommendations and alternatives for treatment. We then make an agreement with the client on the best treatment approach for him or her. We then begin treatment, if the client consents, and we work toward the goals outlined. As new skills are attained we try to work ourselves out of a job as soon as the client is able to handle things independently.